Sunday, November 2, 2014

Doubts/Questions - Sant Tukaram (प्रश्न - संत तुकाराम)

जनी जनार्दन ऐकतो हे मात | कैसा हा वृत्तांत न कळे आम्हां ||
जन्म जरा मरण कवण भोगी भोग | व्याधी नाना रोग सुखदु:खे ||
पापपुण्ये शुद्धाशुद्ध आचरणे | ही कोणाकारणे कवणे केली ||
आम्हा मरण नाश तू तव अविनाश | कैसा हा विश्वास साच मानू ||
तुका म्हणे तू चि निवडी हा गुढार | दाखवी साचार ते चि मज ||

Tukaram maharaj is asking doubts directly to the God, about reasons behind different mysteries of life like birth, death, miseries etc and is asking God to clarify those:

I hear that, God lives in every living being, I do not understand how this comes to be.
Why and who has created birth, aging, death, enjoying material desires, diseases, happiness, sadness, sin, good deeds, pure and impure ways of living?
We have death and destruction and You are imperishable, how should I believe this?
Tuka says, please you resolve these puzzles for me and show me the truth.

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