Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mind - Dangerous Tiger

Below is a verse from Adi Shankaracharya's Vivekchudamani.

मनो नाम महाव्याघ्र: विषयारण्यभूमिषु |
चरत्यत्र न गच्छतु साधवो ये मुमुक्षव: ||

मन नावाचा खूप भयानक वाघ, विषयांच्या अरण्यात शिकारीसाठी फिरत असतो. सज्जन आणि मुमुक्षू लोक हे तिथे जात नाहीत.
A dangerous tiger named Mind lives in the vast jungle of the sense-objects. Good people and seekers of salvation do not go there.

Adi Shankaracharya has used an excellent metaphor to describe the nature of mind, sense-objects and its effect on us. He says mind is a tiger who hunts in the vast jungle of sense-objects, if we go there we would surely get killed. Hence, seekers should not allow the mind to wander in this vast jungle of the sense-objects i.e. they should control their mind. If they do not, they will surely get destroyed.

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